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In 2003, he decided to climb the remote Blue John Canyon in Utah.He also works as a motivational speaker, helping disabled athletes and troubled teens.Meanwhile, Aaron's friends and family realized he was missing and notified authorities, who discovered that Aaron had used his credit card to purchase food items in Moab, Utah.While crossing a 3-foot-wide rift in the canyon, an 800-pound boulder moved and got his arm stuck between it and the canyon wall.He administered first aid to himself, then tied a rope to the rock and climbed down about 70 feet to the bottom of the canyon.Thanks to his prosthetic arm, Aaron is a better climber than he was before his accident.He tried with all his might to get free and used his small knife to try to free his arm, but to no avail.

Original text

In 2003, he decided to climb the remote Blue John Canyon in Utah. But little did he know that he would have to make an incredible sacrifice in order to survive. While crossing a 3-foot-wide rift in the canyon, an 800-pound boulder moved and got his arm stuck between it and the canyon wall. There was no way for him to move. Aaron began to hope that help would come, but none came. He tried with all his might to get free and used his small knife to try to free his arm, but to no avail. Five days later, Arun decided to cut off his own arm to save his life. He used his body weight to bend his arm until he felt it break. Then, using his dull knife, he slowly cut off his arm. The operation took a full hour. He administered first aid to himself, then tied a rope to the rock and climbed down about 70 feet to the bottom of the canyon. After 5 miles, he met a Dutch family who gave him water and helped him walk. Meanwhile, Aaron's friends and family realized he was missing and notified authorities, who discovered that Aaron had used his credit card to purchase food items in Moab, Utah. When the rescue helicopter crew finally saw Aaron, they were surprised to see him walking back to his truck. He hardly needed their help to save him! Thanks to his prosthetic arm, Aaron is a better climber than he was before his accident. He also works as a motivational speaker, helping disabled athletes and troubled teens. In 2010, a hit film telling his story was released called “127 Hours,” the length of time he spent trapped. Aaron still returns to Blue John Canyon to remember his desperate struggle to survive and return

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