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1.Reserves should be distinguished from 'provisions' established for resolving known liabilities and adjusting the value of known assets.Banks also believe it is prudent to establish reserves in order to increase their capital position, allowing them to better meet unforeseen liabilities or losses.

Original text

  1. Capital and Reserves: Capital refers to paid-up capital, such as the amount of share capital supplied by the bank's proprietors (shareholders).
    Saves are profits or undistributed benefits accrued by banks over the course of their careers.
    Banks also believe it is prudent to establish reserves in order to increase their capital position, allowing them to better meet unforeseen liabilities or losses. Reserves should be distinguished from 'provisions' established for resolving known liabilities and adjusting the value of known assets.
    Because the exact amounts of these liabilities and misfortunes may not be known at any given time for many reasons,

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