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Barabas is the stereotype of the greedy Jew who cannot get enough money.When he sends Ithamore off on a dirty errand, Barabas warns him to "be not rash, but do it cunningly" reminiscent of Machiavelli's advice that it is not so important to be virtuous, as to appear so to the populace/To Abigail, whom he wants to pose as a nun so she can get access to his hidden money, Barabas says, "in extremity, / We ought to make bar of no policy" . It is not only Barabas who is obsessed with money and power. Barabas strikes a deal with Ferneze who shakes hands on mutually turning on the Turks to free Malta. Barabas explains that he is "Making a profit of my policy;/And he from whom my most advantage comes, Shall be my friend.In Act I he is in his counting house enjoying his "infinite riches in a little room ". He believes the Jews have been promised wealth as God's chosen people: "What more may heaven do for earthly man/ Than thus to pour out plenty in their laps" .He cites the wealth of Abraham and Job but brags he has more than they did.

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Barabas is the stereotype of the greedy Jew who cannot get enough money. In Act I he is in his counting house enjoying his "infinite riches in a little room ". He believes the Jews have been promised wealth as God's chosen people: "What more may heaven do for earthly man/ Than thus to pour out plenty in their laps" . He cites the wealth of Abraham and Job but brags he has more than they did. At first he says he is content with money instead of office. The Gentiles can keep their governments because he has more than any government. This is proven true when Ferneze, the Governor of Malta, calls on the Jews, and particularly Barabas, to pay the tribute money to the Turks to buy peace for the country. Later, however, Barabas is even more content when he has both his money and is Governor of Malta.
His politics are described in the Prologue by Machiavelli: "Might first made kings" and laws are made through violence and blood. Barabas does whatever he must to hold on to power and money, including treachery and murder. After he has won the governorship of Malta by betraying the town to the Turks, he reminds himself: "And, since by wrong thou gott'st authority,l Maintain it bravely by firm policy". When he sends Ithamore off on a dirty errand, Barabas warns him to "be not rash, but do it cunningly" reminiscent of Machiavelli's advice that it is not so important to be virtuous, as to appear so to the populace/To Abigail, whom he wants to pose as a nun so she can get access to his hidden money, Barabas says, "in extremity, / We ought to make bar of no policy" . It is not only Barabas who is obsessed with money and power. Barabas strikes a deal with Ferneze who shakes hands on mutually turning on the Turks to free Malta. Barabas explains that he is "Making a profit of my policy;/And he from whom my most advantage comes, Shall be my friend. / This is the life we Jews are us'd to lead;// And reason too, for Christians do the like." . Ferneze proves the truth of that; he too is Machiavellian as he betrays Barabas to get back the governorship and make a captive of Calymath. Barabas is too confident of his control, believing the Governor will honor his word.

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