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The Academy’s risk management plan relies heavily on access control to protect staff, students and visitors throughout the buildings.AAU turned to security integrator Microbiz Security Co. to design and install a security system that would offer a reliable way to protect people and property. semester.Microbiz recommended Honeywell’s Pro-Watch️ Corporate Edition security management system because it offers effortless badge management and controls the 200+ proximity readers installed on all exterior doors of AAU buildings. Pro-Watch integrates seamlessly with the VISTA️ intrusion control panels that protect the galleries and other facilities, allowing the entire system to be managed from a single command center on campus that’s staffed 24/7.

At the beginning of every semester, each new student is issued a dual technology iClass card – a process that Petricca says takes only seconds. In addition to being used to grant access to AAU buildings, the card can be used at Point-of-Sale terminals at food service venues across campus, as identification to board the free city-wide shuttle AAU provides for its students, and even for time and attendance. A card can be disabled with one click if a student fails to pay tuition or drops out of classes, and at the end of each semester, all student cards are turned off until enrollment begins again for the next term.

For prospective students, campus visitors, and contractors, temporary badges are handled with Honeywell’s LobbyWorks️ Visitor Management System. The badges can be programmed with unique criteria to allow short-term access to certain buildings at specific times, but data on each card is retained in the system so a permanent card can be produced instantly if a need arises in the future.

Original text

The Academy’s risk management plan relies heavily on access control to protect staff, students and visitors throughout the buildings.AAU turned to security integrator Microbiz Security Co. to design and install a security system that would offer a reliable way to protect people and property. semester.Microbiz recommended Honeywell’s Pro-Watch®️ Corporate Edition security management system because it offers effortless badge management and controls the 200+ proximity readers installed on all exterior doors of AAU buildings. Pro-Watch integrates seamlessly with the VISTA®️ intrusion control panels that protect the galleries and other facilities, allowing the entire system to be managed from a single command center on campus that’s staffed 24/7.

At the beginning of every semester, each new student is issued a dual technology iClass card – a process that Petricca says takes only seconds. In addition to being used to grant access to AAU buildings, the card can be used at Point-of-Sale terminals at food service venues across campus, as identification to board the free city-wide shuttle AAU provides for its students, and even for time and attendance. A card can be disabled with one click if a student fails to pay tuition or drops out of classes, and at the end of each semester, all student cards are turned off until enrollment begins again for the next term.

For prospective students, campus visitors, and contractors, temporary badges are handled with Honeywell’s LobbyWorks®️ Visitor Management System. The badges can be programmed with unique criteria to allow short-term access to certain buildings at specific times, but data on each card is retained in the system so a permanent card can be produced instantly if a need arises in the future.

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