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Fault tolerance is a specialized kind of planning for change.An example of successful fault tolerance occurred when the Cassini spacecraft, currently on an extended
mission to Saturn, unexpectedly ceased communication with ground operations on Nov. 2, 2010.Communication was restored within the hour, at
which point human operators began a slow and careful check of the spacecraft followed by recovery
activities such as clearing error log files and turning science instruments back on. Recovery actions were
completed on November 24, and the Cassini spacecraft continues to be healthy at the time of this writing.Software is growing to handle not just failures (e.g., the Cassini bit flip), but also a range of
other unexpected situations (e.g., novel usage scenarios) and contingencies (e.g., debris temporarily
blinding the spacecraft camera).However, as Dvorak et al. note, extending the techniques of onboard
fault protection to cover a wider range of software failures can also increase algorithmic complexity,
which makes the software harder to verify [2]Developing robust software that can
handle failures and other conditions that threaten the mission begins with a thorough systems and
software hazards analysis.Software requirements to protect the spacecraft from mission-critical failures
are derived from these hazards analyses.As described at the Cassini
website, the onboard fault-protection software quickly switched to a backup computer and shut off nonessential power loads.It is not surprising, given the long life and
hostile environments encountered by spacecraft, that failures occur.As spacecraft and their
missions become more complicated, the number of unwanted scenarios that the software must handle
increases.The software had been designed to configure the
spacecraft to a safe but degraded state when communication was lost.It switched to an alternate (low-gain) antenna, pointing it toward the sun to
improve the chances of communicating with operators.The fault protection software on spacecraft continually monitors for deviations between the expected
spacecraft state and the actual spacecraft state.Fault recovery software is especially important because it
is usually invoked when something has already gone wrong on the spacecraft.It was
later determined that this was caused by a flipped bit.

Original text

Fault tolerance is a specialized kind of planning for change. It is not surprising, given the long life and
hostile environments encountered by spacecraft, that failures occur. Developing robust software that can
handle failures and other conditions that threaten the mission begins with a thorough systems and
software hazards analysis. Software requirements to protect the spacecraft from mission-critical failures
are derived from these hazards analyses.
An example of successful fault tolerance occurred when the Cassini spacecraft, currently on an extended
mission to Saturn, unexpectedly ceased communication with ground operations on Nov. 2, 2010. It was
later determined that this was caused by a flipped bit. The software had been designed to configure the
spacecraft to a safe but degraded state when communication was lost. As described at the Cassini
website, the onboard fault-protection software quickly switched to a backup computer and shut off nonessential power loads. It switched to an alternate (low-gain) antenna, pointing it toward the sun to
improve the chances of communicating with operators. Communication was restored within the hour, at
which point human operators began a slow and careful check of the spacecraft followed by recovery
activities such as clearing error log files and turning science instruments back on. Recovery actions were
completed on November 24, and the Cassini spacecraft continues to be healthy at the time of this writing.
The fault protection software on spacecraft continually monitors for deviations between the expected
spacecraft state and the actual spacecraft state. Fault recovery software is especially important because it
is usually invoked when something has already gone wrong on the spacecraft. As spacecraft and their
missions become more complicated, the number of unwanted scenarios that the software must handle
increases. Software is growing to handle not just failures (e.g., the Cassini bit flip), but also a range of
other unexpected situations (e.g., novel usage scenarios) and contingencies (e.g., debris temporarily
blinding the spacecraft camera). However, as Dvorak et al. note, extending the techniques of onboard
fault protection to cover a wider range of software failures can also increase algorithmic complexity,
which makes the software harder to verify [2]

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