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For reading to become swift and automatic, students need to move beyond
the level of phonic decoding to recognise most words instantly by sight
(Prior, 1996).For
students with severe reading difficulties, Neill (2005) suggests that progress
can be made by using a multi-sensory approach to word learning involving
kinaesthetic activities such as tracing, writing, typing and highlighting words
with colour.Many
of the most frequently used words in print are in this category.

Original text

For reading to become swift and automatic, students need to move beyond
the level of phonic decoding to recognise most words instantly by sight
(Prior, 1996). All ‘irregular’ words – that is, words that do not use logical
letter-to-sound relationships and cannot be decoded by sounding the letters
(for example, said, any, the, are) – must of course be mastered by sight. Many
of the most frequently used words in print are in this category. Students who
have problems committing words to long-term memory require a teaching
program that provides much repetition and overlearning of text material. For
students with severe reading difficulties, Neill (2005) suggests that progress
can be made by using a multi-sensory approach to word learning involving
kinaesthetic activities such as tracing, writing, typing and highlighting words
with colour. Attention also needs to be focused on identifying syllables,
writing a word from memory and studying word families

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