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Patients frequently experience moderate to severe pain in the postoperative period.Postoperative care nurses are responsible to assess the patient's pain, teach the patient strategies to deal with the pain, apply the analgesic treatment plan, monitor the re- sults of treatment, educate the patient and the family on pain management and document the pain management outcomes.

Original text

Patients frequently experience moderate to severe pain in the postoperative period. Although the pain management is an integral and important part of the nursing care, stud- ies suggest that, nursing management of postoperative pain remains inadequate. Postoperative care nurses are responsible to assess the patient’s pain, teach the patient strategies to deal with the pain, apply the analgesic treatment plan, monitor the re- sults of treatment, educate the patient and the family on pain management and document the pain management outcomes. The nurses’ holistic approach to pain manage- ment minimizes the patients’ discomfort caused by pain in the postoperative period after the surgery. In this article, nurses’ approaches to postoperative pain management are discussed. J Clin Exp Invest 2011; 2 (4): 474-478 Key words: Postoperative pain, pain management, nurse

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