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Summarize result (50%)

It is ostrich and has high resistance.It was used in the wardrobe and make-up table in white wood because it gives a beautiful view, lives for a long time and has a cheap price.I used animal skin in the table and make-up chair in the gray color, because it is easy to clean and gives a beautiful view of the room.

Original text

I chose the floor stone because it gives a wonderful view and it is shiny and it fits with any decor and it is non-slip and in a gray color and in the carpets I chose to have faux white color which is soft and natural and gives a wonderful view of the room and cheap in a gray bed and the curtains are white I chose it to be polyester because it is water-repelling and I used it In the curtains, because it isolates from the sun and is characterized by high quality. I used animal skin in the table and make-up chair in the gray color, because it is easy to clean and gives a beautiful view of the room. It is ostrich and has high resistance. It was used in the wardrobe and make-up table in white wood because it gives a beautiful view, lives for a long time and has a cheap price.

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