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Factors associated with youth tobacco product use include the following:

Social and physical environments
The way mass media show tobacco product use as a normal activity can make young people want to try these products.High school athletes are more likely to use smokeless tobacco than those of the same age who are not athletes.Biological and genetic factors
There is evidence that youth may be sensitive to nicotine and that teens can feel dependent on nicotine sooner than adults.Youth are more likely to use tobacco products if they see people their age using these products.Young people may be more likely to use tobacco products if a parent uses these products.

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Factors associated with youth tobacco product use include the following:

Social and physical environments
The way mass media show tobacco product use as a normal activity can make young people want to try these products.
Youth are more likely to use tobacco products if they see people their age using these products.
High school athletes are more likely to use smokeless tobacco than those of the same age who are not athletes.
Young people may be more likely to use tobacco products if a parent uses these products.
Biological and genetic factors
There is evidence that youth may be sensitive to nicotine and that teens can feel dependent on nicotine sooner than adults.
Genetic factors may make quitting smoking harder for young people.
Smoking during pregnancy may increase the likelihood that the child will smoke cigarettes regularly in the future.
Mental health: There is a strong relationship between youth smoking and depression, anxiety, and stress.
Personal views: When young people expect positive things from smoking, such as coping with stress better or losing weight, they are more likely to smoke.
Other influences that affect youth tobacco use include:
Lower socioeconomic status, including lower-income or education
Not knowing how to say “no” to tobacco product use
Lack of support or involvement from parents
Accessibility, availability, and price of tobacco products
Doing poorly in school
Low self-image or self-esteem
Seeing tobacco product advertising in stores, on television, the Internet, in movies, or in magazines and newspapers

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