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The horrors of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. In 1920, the League of Nations was formed to keep international peace after World War I.The League of Nations was able to resolve some conflicts around the world. But it could not oppose the rise of totalitarianism in Germany, Italy and Japan.Hitler and Mussolini were able to start World War II because the League of Nations could do nothing about it simply because it had not enough power of its own.

The United Nations replaced the League of Nations IN 1945 just after the end of World War II. Today ,most of the world'sindependent nations are members, and each has one vote in the General Assembly. Every member state can refer its disputes with its neighbours to the United Nations Security Council. The UN Security Council is the body of the United Nations which can take political, economic or military action to settle international disputes.It has 15 members five of which are permanent (Britain, China, France, the Russian Federation and the US).It can thus get member states to contribute contingents of soldiers from their own armies to constitute a UN Task Force. These soldiers, called 'Blue Helmets',are entrusted with keeping peace in spots of the world.

Other agencies the United Nations include the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) ,the World Health Organization(WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF). These UN agencies co-operate in fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. So far they have been able to stop killer diseases such as tuberculosis and smallpox. They will hopefully be able to eradicate other diseases and famine soon.

Original text

The horrors of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. In 1920, the League of Nations was formed to keep international peace after World War I.The League of Nations was able to resolve some conflicts around the world. But it could not oppose the rise of totalitarianism in Germany, Italy and Japan.Hitler and Mussolini were able to start World War II because the League of Nations could do nothing about it simply because it had not enough power of its own.

The United Nations replaced the League of Nations IN 1945 just after the end of World War II. Today ,most of the world'sindependent nations are members, and each has one vote in the General Assembly. Every member state can refer its disputes with its neighbours to the United Nations Security Council. The UN Security Council is the body of the United Nations which can take political, economic or military action to settle international disputes.It has 15 members five of which are permanent (Britain, China, France, the Russian Federation and the US).It can thus get member states to contribute contingents of soldiers from their own armies to constitute a UN Task Force. These soldiers, called 'Blue Helmets',are entrusted with keeping peace in spots of the world.

Other agencies the United Nations include the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) ,the World Health Organization(WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF). These UN agencies co-operate in fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. So far they have been able to stop killer diseases such as tuberculosis and smallpox. They will hopefully be able to eradicate other diseases and famine soon.

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