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Group development is a process by which members of newly formed work teams get to know their coworkers, define their roles and responsibilities, and build the job work and teamwork skills needed to organize their efforts and function effectively as a group.(n.d, 2021)
According to the interview, at Students Factory, they have a few teams in their organization, which includes the marketing team, content creation team, social media team, research team, and the HR team.The content creation team works on writing blogs and other content that can be posted up on their website.Lastly, the HR team keeps a track of all employees to see if they are working efficiently or not and records their leaves or the number of warnings issued to each intern.The marketing team organizes events that are conducted by Students Factory.

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Group development is a process by which members of newly formed work teams get to know their coworkers, define their roles and responsibilities, and build the job work and teamwork skills needed to organize their efforts and function effectively as a group. (n.d, 2021)
According to the interview, at Students Factory, they have a few teams in their organization, which includes the marketing team, content creation team, social media team, research team, and the HR team. Every team has their own significant role that they fulfill in the organization. The marketing team organizes events that are conducted by Students Factory. The research team conducts an in-depth study about different events or speakers or guests who they can invite to their events. The content creation team works on writing blogs and other content that can be posted up on their website. The social media team takes care of promoting the website and company on different social networking platforms. Lastly, the HR team keeps a track of all employees to see if they are working efficiently or not and records their leaves or the number of warnings issued to each intern. Furthermore, they used two types of groups first, Formal group like head of the company and second, task group like tasks given to the employees. Being a part of a team helps in the decision-making process because when you work in a team, you get more opinions, and it helps in building a healthy relationship amongst employees too. For example, she said that being an HR Manager, if she confused about how to track my interns' daily tasks, she can conduct a meeting with all my mentors and ask for their opinions. She will be able to get a better solution in this way”. (Ahmad, 2021)

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