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The prevalence of smoking was high among TB patients in
The results of the present study demonstrate an
association between smoking and outcomes of TB. The
study further reaffirms that tobacco smoking is a predictor
of poor TB treatment outcomes. Therefore, smoking
cessation interventions should be offered to all TB patients
who are smokers when they are undergoing TB treatment.
National TB programs should vigorously integrate tobacco
dependence treatment into the management of TB and
should provide capacity building for healthcare providers
caring for TB patients.

Original text

The prevalence of smoking was high among TB patients in
Malaysia. The results of the present study demonstrate an
association between smoking and outcomes of TB. The
study further reaffirms that tobacco smoking is a predictor
of poor TB treatment outcomes. Therefore, smoking
cessation interventions should be offered to all TB patients
who are smokers when they are undergoing TB treatment.
National TB programs should vigorously integrate tobacco
dependence treatment into the management of TB and
should provide capacity building for healthcare providers
caring for TB patients.

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