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published articles have shown images of carnivore carcasses being displayed hanging in trees (Cunningham and Wronski, 2010; Islam et al., 2018), while other images show a large variety of hunted species, such as the Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard (Aloufi et al., 2019).Below are some of the efforts used to enhance conservation in Saudi Arabia.The public, which is not specialized in conservation, can benefit from orientations, workshops, fliers, and visits from experts to increase their knowledge about the importance of the surround- ing wildlife, environments, ecosystems, and biodiversity--particu larly those who live in areas of possible human-wildlife conflict (i.e., near the habitats of endangered species or hotspots).Various measurements and actions have been taken to effectively increase and promote the conservation of wildlife and the sustainability of natural habitats.3a, b).

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published articles have shown images of carnivore carcasses being displayed hanging in trees (Cunningham and Wronski, 2010; Islam et al., 2018), while other images show a large variety of hunted species, such as the Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard (Aloufi et al., 2019). Notably, some of these species have vulnerable conserva- tion status. One possible explanation for this behavior is hunters showing off their success, which is a common practice among hun- ters in the Arabian region.
In some cases, the scenery of more accessible wild areas can be unpleasant (Fig. 3a, b). Leaving or dumping unwanted refuse has an adverse impact on wildlife and the environment. Some species might consume the refuse, which could have negative health impacts or even be fatal. This applies to both wild and domestic species. The public, which is not specialized in conservation, can benefit from orientations, workshops, fliers, and visits from experts to increase their knowledge about the importance of the surround- ing wildlife, environments, ecosystems, and biodiversity—particu larly those who live in areas of possible human-wildlife conflict (i.e., near the habitats of endangered species or hotspots).
In Saudi Arabia, the National Center for Wildlife, as well as related authorities and institutions, have done substantial work and dedicated considerable effort to control several conservation challenges, reduce their negative impact on wildlife, and raise awareness in the local communities. Various measurements and actions have been taken to effectively increase and promote the conservation of wildlife and the sustainability of natural habitats. Below are some of the efforts used to enhance conservation in Saudi Arabia.

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