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In terms of back pain, 75.3% of the participants experienced back pain during their current pregnancy.Factors associated with low back pain included income status, trimester, gestational weight gain, frequent urinary tract infections, a hunchback posture, having experienced low back pain during previous pregnancies, and a history of low back pain.

Original text

In terms of back pain, 75.3% of the participants experienced back pain during their current pregnancy. The mean VAS score for back pain during their current pregnancy was 4.91±1.88. Low back pain was generally experienced in the third trimester (85.5%) and in the lumbar area (45.5%). Factors associated with low back pain included income status, trimester, gestational weight gain, frequent urinary tract infections, a hunchback posture, having experienced low back pain during previous pregnancies, and a history of low back pain. The mean percentage score on the ODI, which assesses the effect of low back pain on functional status, was 31.87% ± 15.56%, and for the majority of the participants (45.7%), low back pain was found to slightly limit their activities of daily living.

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