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The important thing is that electronic?health care services can be applied in multiple fields, including: medical and health management, strategic health planning, health education and health care, patient care and support, preventive health, and many other areas and services.

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The important thing is that electronic‏ health care services can be applied in multiple fields, including: medical and health management, strategic health planning, health education and health care, patient care and support, preventive health, and many other areas and services.
‏It is worth noting that the beginnings of e-health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were in the seventies, through the establishment of the "automatic" hospital of the King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, and then followed by many projects specialized in electronic health care in many health sectors, including the Ministry of Health, the National Guard and the university health sector.‏
Perhaps one of the most important and largest areas of electronic health is (electronic medical records) in its technological sense, "clinical informatics", through which it is possible to effectively and efficiently share and exchange patient data electronically, and enable electronic medical records to record everything that patients need and provide them with reports, medicines, X-rays, etc.

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