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Historically, technical contracts created as part of custom designed automation solutions have been tailored to represent software programs for one or more specific and pre-identified clients.A common principle associated with object-oriented design encouraged the creation of reusable components.The advent of service-oriented computing has placed an unprecedented emphasis on reuse and the design of agnostic solution logic, elevating the importance of this style of contract design.Sentences:

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Historically, technical contracts created as part of custom designed automation solutions have been tailored to represent software programs for one or more specific and pre-identified clients. The advent of service-oriented computing has placed an unprecedented emphasis on reuse and the design of agnostic solution logic, elevating the importance of this style of contract design. The more a service can be reused, the more entrenched its contract will become and, as a result, the more pressure there is to deliver service contracts capable of standing the test of time. Exceptions to this include packaged software systems that supply a generic API (or API set) based on a specific development platform. The API would provide common functions, openly accessible to any compatible client programs (for example class libraries or GUI frameworks). A common principle associated with object-oriented design encouraged the creation of reusable components.

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