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Social intelligence is the individual's ability to understand, accept, and respect the feelings, intentions, views, and thoughts of others, as they form successful relationships through which they can interact, share, influence, and benefit from the experience of one another in the best and most efficient ways.Social intelligence enhances your acceptance of change, and thus allows you the flexibility to conform and adapt to it. As a member of a team, a socially intelligent individual has the ability to work on settling the arguments that occur between them and their colleagues in the work environment and are capable of sound social interaction.This is because as socially intelligent individuals interact with each other, the achievement of happiness is ensured through creating a socially warm, loving environment that improves your abilities for achievement, excellence and creativity.This is mainly due to their unique personal strengths, such as their positive self-concept, their clear insight into themselves, their realistic view of life, and most importantly their top-notch skills in practicing their empathy on the people they interact with.Socially intelligent individuals have the capacity to cooperate with others and exchange benefits as well as distinguish their psychological states from their facial expressions.For when you're socially intelligent, you're able to form strong and meaningful friendships and will definitely be everyone's favorite and the one they go to for advice and opinions as you have full awareness towards situations and are able to communicate your thoughts with full clarity and frankness.Its importance can be seen in various aspects of life as it's inherent in friendships, families, and throughout communities as a whole.Social intelligence also strengthens your commitment to the morals and values of society and urges you to comply with the rules and keep in line with the social standards, all of which is reflected in your work environment and leads to the achievement of social health.The hallmarks of social intelligence are numerous, they are the characteristics that make socially intelligent individuals highly appreciated and loved.They range from being sensitive to the feelings of others, respecting their rights and points of view, and having remarkable communication skills to being reliable, having the ability to set goals, having leadership qualities, and having a high level of social responsibility.Be it motivating yourself or motivating others, you have the necessary skill of setting goals and achieving them, and most importantly, enduring any failure that you may experience.

Original text

Social intelligence is the individual’s ability to understand, accept, and respect the feelings, intentions, views, and thoughts of others, as they form successful relationships through which they can interact, share, influence, and benefit from the experience of one another in the best and most efficient ways. Socially intelligent individuals have the capacity to cooperate with others and exchange benefits as well as distinguish their psychological states from their facial expressions. They have the ability to smoothly adapt to the surrounding social environment for they are not fazed by new or different situations and are able to solve social problems easily, no matter what the circumstances.

Life is a complicated mixture of relationships and human interactions. These interactions ultimately define our psychological states and affect almost every aspect of our lives. The importance of social intelligence stems from the human need for successful social relationships. Its importance can be seen in various aspects of life as it’s inherent in friendships, families, and throughout communities as a whole. Can you even imagine going through life without having the support of the people you love and care about? Or can you imagine not having the ability to make friends with any of the employees at your office? Forming friendships is what helps you get through the difficult situations that you may be exposed to at work and in life in general. Without social intelligence it would be hard for you to be integrated into both your social and work lives, and it’d be quite challenging to form friendships, too. Social intelligence adds to your state of wellbeing and improves your self-esteem. This is because as socially intelligent individuals interact with each other, the achievement of happiness is ensured through creating a socially warm, loving environment that improves your abilities for achievement, excellence and creativity. Social intelligence helps you understand the feelings and moods of others which allows you to respond effectively as necessary, all of which reflects in the healthy and positive atmospheres at work and in life. Social intelligence enhances your acceptance of change, and thus allows you the flexibility to conform and adapt to it. As a member of a team, a socially intelligent individual has the ability to work on settling the arguments that occur between them and their colleagues in the work environment and are capable of sound social interaction. They also work with the good of the group and the company in mind. Socially intelligent individuals also give the best advice! Since social intelligence is basically built upon being empathic, when you’re socially intelligent you’ll be able to gain an outside perspective of a friend’s situation and judge it soundly and in turn provide the appropriate advice. Social intelligence also strengthens your commitment to the morals and values of society and urges you to comply with the rules and keep in line with the social standards, all of which is reflected in your work environment and leads to the achievement of social health. The hallmarks of social intelligence are numerous, they are the characteristics that make socially intelligent individuals highly appreciated and loved. And therefore are certainly characteristics that we all wish to acquire. They range from being sensitive to the feelings of others, respecting their rights and points of view, and having remarkable communication skills to being reliable, having the ability to set goals, having leadership qualities, and having a high level of social responsibility. Social competence is a quality that these individuals possess. It means that they socialise with ease. So it’s no wonder that you constantly find them voluntarily taking part in social activities and enjoying them. This is because they’re rather adaptable and can smoothly and openly strike up conversations with other people even if they’re complete strangers and make a good impact at that, too! This is mainly due to their unique personal strengths, such as their positive self-concept, their clear insight into themselves, their realistic view of life, and most importantly their top-notch skills in practicing their empathy on the people they interact with. Being socially intelligent is no doubtedly a skill that you should strive for developing. For when you’re socially intelligent, you’re able to form strong and meaningful friendships and will definitely be everyone’s favorite and the one they go to for advice and opinions as you have full awareness towards situations and are able to communicate your thoughts with full clarity and frankness. You’d also be a great motivator! Be it motivating yourself or motivating others, you have the necessary skill of setting goals and achieving them, and most importantly, enduring any failure that you may experience. Also; your sensitivity towards the feelings and thoughts of the people around you lets you know just the right things to say to boost up their energies and encourage them to pursue their goals.

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