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?The nature and characteristics of digestion in ruminants differ from those of simple stomachs due to the different structure of the ruminant stomach, especially the presence of rumen at the beginning of their digestion canal.Nutrition doesn't just "sit" in the rumen. Nutrition doesn't just "sit" in the rumen.A Rumen is a multi-chamber stomach of ruminant animals (animals that chew the cuddla,

???Production of livestock and sheep

???The Rumen is the start of the surgery from the heart, which is the opening of the end of the esophagus from the rumen and resembles the longitudinal incision of the livestock, and forms the beginning of the retinal groove or the groove of the esophageal from which it extends towards the opening of the retina and the leaves

???Cows may spend 35 to 40 percent of each day in ruming (chewing).They also return the saliva of the feed and re-swallow it. This process makes feed easier for microbes to digest

???Intestinal fermentation occurs when methane gas is produced in the rumen where microbial fermentation occurs

?Brewing the rumen

?Fermentation in the rumen is made possible through a very stable environment for microbial growth.

Original text

‏The nature and characteristics of digestion in ruminants differ from those of simple stomachs due to the different structure of the ruminant stomach, especially the presence of rumen at the beginning of their digestion canal. Ruminants are known as those animals that have to Rumen . A Rumen is a multi-chamber stomach of ruminant animals (animals that chew the cuddla,

‏‎‏Production of livestock and sheep

‏‎‏The Rumen is the start of the surgery from the heart, which is the opening of the end of the esophagus from the rumen and resembles the longitudinal incision of the livestock, and forms the beginning of the retinal groove or the groove of the esophageal from which it extends towards the opening of the retina and the leaves

‏‎‏Cows may spend 35 to 40 percent of each day in ruming (chewing). The amount of time spent rumbing depends on the diet. A little rumbination occurs when cows eat grains or finely ground rations. But when eating long straw, cows may think for several hours.

‏‎‏Mature cattle spend little time chewing while eating feed. Thus, during breaks, cows (brepare) sit the soft feeding (cud) to re-chew and break into smaller pieces. They also return the saliva of the feed and re-swallow it. This process makes feed easier for microbes to digest

‏‎‏Intestinal fermentation occurs when methane gas is produced in the rumen where microbial fermentation occurs

‏Brewing the rumen

‏Fermentation in the rumen is made possible through a very stable environment for microbial growth. The normal pH ranges from 5.5 to 7.0, and the temperature ranges from 37 to 40 degrees Celsius. And food is constantly available in the rumen

‏‎‏Fermentation in the rumen is made possible through a very stable environment for microbial growth. The normal pH ranges from 5.5 to 7.0, and the temperature ranges from 37 to 40 degrees Celsius. And food is constantly available in the rumen

‏‎‏Of animals that are properly fed. The final products for fermentation are constantly removed, either by stirring, by absorbing through the rumen wall or by exiting the rumen into the lower digestive tract. Nutrition doesn’t just “sit” in the rumen. Nutrition doesn’t just “sit” in the rumen. There is a constant mixing of the contents of the rumen with the contraction of the digestive muscles. Mixing action helps to expose food to microbial work and pass digestion through the system

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