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Process Monitor is the first tool everyone turns to when they want to diagnose computer problems.Process Monitor also offers boot-time logging, non-destructive filtering, a log file format that retains all captured data, an API for injecting debug output into the capture, and much more.

Original text

Process Monitor is the first tool everyone turns to when they want to diagnose computer problems.
It is a powerful system monitoring tool that monitors all the system calls it can gather once it is running and captures detailed information about the registry, files, processes, and network activity. It also tells us about the operations that the process performs on this file, when it happened, how long this operation took, whether it succeeded or failed, what is the full call stack (the path of the code leading to the operation), and the data can be saved in a file that can be viewed and analyzed on another system at a time Subsequent.

Process Monitor was first released in 2006 to replace Filemon and Regmon (Filemon captured information about file system activity; Regmon captured information relative to the registry). However, both tools suffered from slow performance as they collected more data and their filtering capabilities were very limited. Because there are millions of processes that can happen in a short period of time, Process Monitor provides powerful and flexible filtering, highlighting, and bookmarking capabilities so that you can quickly find the events that interest you.
Process Monitor also offers boot-time logging, non-destructive filtering, a log file format that retains all captured data, an API for injecting debug output into the capture, and much more.

Process Monitor is a good troubleshooting tool that is used to monitor the creation or termination of a process or to give the analyzer more information about a particular process. Examining all malware actions on the system can give the analyzer an idea of the purpose and intentions of the malware executable.

Process Monitor runs on x86 and x64 versions of Windows XP and later, and Windows Server 2003 and later.

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