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Calpurnia is the Finch family's black cook since the death of
Atticus's wife.Calpurnia takes Scout to church on Sundays and this gives her
an opportunity to understand the difference between the whites
and blacks in Maycomb.Scout, Jem, and Dill are able to watch the trial because
Calpurnia's church pastor makes space for them on the balcony
among the coloured peopleCalpurnia is unique in Maycomb, as she is one of
the few black residents who is literate.Scout describes her as
strict, demanding, and even tyrannical.

Original text

Calpurnia is the Finch family's black cook since the death of
Atticus's wife. Calpurnia is unique in Maycomb, as she is one of
the few black residents who is literate. Scout describes her as
strict, demanding, and even tyrannical. Calpurnia is a mother
figure to scout and spends most of her time at the Finches. She
is the children's window into the black community in Maycomb.
Calpurnia takes Scout to church on Sundays and this gives her
an opportunity to understand the difference between the whites
and blacks in Maycomb. When Calpurnia takes them to church
on Sunday they hear her speak differently with the black
parishioners there, and differently with the Finches at home.
Their respect for her grows enormously. Calpurnia is portrayed
a silent, strong character who is grateful to good white people
around her who are not racist. Calpurnia serves as a positive
influence in the life of Scout, teaching her very valuable lessons
in life. Scout, Jem, and Dill are able to watch the trial because
Calpurnia's church pastor makes space for them on the balcony
among the coloured people

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