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The area is under operation for last 10 years and has capacity to receive waste further for only three more years.As climate of the area is hot, it increases evaporation of leachate and hence may add volatile organic compounds in the air, causing air pollution.The leachate from landfill usually is composed of four types of compounds: inorganic macro components, dissolved organic matter, xenobiotic and heavy metals (Kjeldsen et al., 2002).The waste is produced by domestic and commercial entities of the Makkah city and consisted of food wastes, plastic, paper and aluminum cans.The compactors are used to compress the waste to reduce its volume, whereas, bulldozers are used for leveling of the land after waste dumping.The landfill receives 4-6 thousand tons of waste on daily basis and the amount is increased up to 10 thousand tons during peak seasons of Hajj and Ramadan month.The solid waste is received by trucks and processed by different machineries i.e. bulldozers, shovels, graders, and compactors.

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The area is under operation for last 10 years and has capacity to receive waste further for only three more years. The landfill receives 4-6 thousand tons of waste on daily basis and the amount is increased up to 10 thousand tons during peak seasons of Hajj and Ramadan month. The site received the waste throughout the week and 24 hours of a day. The waste is produced by domestic and commercial entities of the Makkah city and consisted of food wastes, plastic, paper and aluminum cans. The area also receives the old tyres of the vehicles which are placed above the ground. About 4 million tyres are currently thrown at the dumping site. For the dumping of waste, landfill utilizes the different types of machinery and vehicles. The solid waste is received by trucks and processed by different machineries i.e. bulldozers, shovels, graders, and compactors. The compactors are used to compress the waste to reduce its volume, whereas, bulldozers are used for leveling of the land after waste dumping. Total working staff is
J. Appl. Agri. Biotechnol. 2016 1(1): 13−26
sixty five, with sixty people as labor and five as office bearer. The labors perform various duties like digging, waste compressing and dumping through machines. Figure 2 shows some images of the Makkah waste dumping site captured during the visit. We found that current landfill is an example of uncontrolled dumping of waste (non-engineered landfill). This uncontrolled dumping can pollute groundwater and soil, and responsible of attracting disease-carrying insects and rats. The continuous flow of leachate was observed at downstream area from old dumping sites. The leachate from landfill usually is composed of four types of compounds: inorganic macro components, dissolved organic matter, xenobiotic and heavy metals (Kjeldsen et al., 2002). The improper collection and management of leachate may cause soil and water pollution (USEPA, 2002). As climate of the area is hot, it increases evaporation of leachate and hence may add volatile organic compounds in the air, causing air pollution. Besides the leachate problem, another

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