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To overcome challenges that are a result of our vuca world I need to be managing and introducing changes building nonsenses and communicate inspiring others to the world a challenging future vision.

Examples of VUCA world around me:
Job instability: if you are a leader you probably steal your self and put a smile in your face you worked in your office and went to greet your team to start the day you bush thought about job stability a site and got to work focusing in providing value because that what leaders do.

Changing priorities: you spend an inter week pitting together this critical activity and nobody ever used it chaining priorities and unclear director resulted from your leadership thinking something was critical but it wasn’t.

Additional responsibilities: maybe you were giving additional responsibilities after emergence
Or after department were consolidated you may have felt lucky and guilty about being a part of the team who staid employed how you have additional responsibilities and inferiorly
You don’t have additional health count the decision made to consolidate didn’t come with details on the task or responsibilities which can be drawth your leadership wasn't clear either and no one wants to create noise by asking too many questions.

New skills
You may also have found yourself in awhile new team the company knows they must go another direction to create innovation and special the details on how as well as training for a for a new skills require aren’t available you have to decide about future education work experience and careers its never too early to start thinking about your future and what you want to do.

Original text

To overcome challenges that are a result of our vuca world I need to be managing and introducing changes building nonsenses and communicate inspiring others to the world a challenging future vision.

Examples of VUCA world around me:
Job instability: if you are a leader you probably steal your self and put a smile in your face you worked in your office and went to greet your team to start the day you bush thought about job stability a site and got to work focusing in providing value because that what leaders do.

Changing priorities: you spend an inter week pitting together this critical activity and nobody ever used it chaining priorities and unclear director resulted from your leadership thinking something was critical but it wasn’t.

Additional responsibilities: maybe you were giving additional responsibilities after emergence
Or after department were consolidated you may have felt lucky and guilty about being a part of the team who staid employed how you have additional responsibilities and inferiorly
You don’t have additional health count the decision made to consolidate didn’t come with details on the task or responsibilities which can be drawth your leadership wasn't clear either and no one wants to create noise by asking too many questions.

New skills
You may also have found yourself in awhile new team the company knows they must go another direction to create innovation and special the details on how as well as training for a for a new skills require aren’t available you have to decide about future education work experience and careers its never too early to start thinking about your future and what you want to do.

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