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```I would talk about how can logistics help Khalid's cake
transportation management
planning and executing the movement of goods from the supplier to Khalid's cake and from Khalid's cake to the customer
timely and cost-effective transportation reduces delays and ensures fresh cakes reach customers enhancing customer satisfaction
storing ingredients and finished products in optimal conditions
proper storage maintains the quality and freshness of ingredients and cake, preventing spoilage and waste.

Original text

transportation management
planning and executing the movement of goods from the supplier to Khalid's cake and from Khalid's cake to the customer
timely and cost-effective transportation reduces delays and ensures fresh cakes reach customers enhancing customer satisfaction
storing ingredients and finished products in optimal conditions
proper storage maintains the quality and freshness of ingredients and cake, preventing spoilage and waste. effective storage solutions streamline inventory management and reduce costs.
order fulfillment
processing and delivering customer orders accurately and on time.
reliable order fulfillment builds customer trust and satisfaction, encouraging repeat business and positive word of mouth.

By effectively managing these logistics activities, Khalid ensures that his operations run smoothly, costs are controlled, and customers receive high-quality cake on time.
This full approach to logistics is fundamental to the success and growth of his business.```

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