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1.4 Overview of Analysis, Architecture, and Design Processes
?Physical detail includes blueprints and drawings of the network; selections of vendors and service providers; and selections of equipment (including equipment types and configurations)
1.4.5 Model for Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Network analysis, architecture, and design are similar to other engineering processes in that they address the following areas:
o Defining the problems to be addressed
o Establishing and managing customer expectations
o Monitoring the existing network, system, and its environment
o Analyzing data
o Developing a set of options to solve problems
o Evaluating and optimizing options based on various trade-offs
o Selecting one or more options
o Planning the implementationNetwork analysis also defines, determines, and describes relationships among users, applications, devices, and networks .Network design provides physical detail to the architecture .??????????

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1.4 Overview of Analysis, Architecture, and Design Processes
 Network analysis entails learning what users, their applications, and devices need from the network (Figure 1.2) .
 It is also about understanding network behavior under various situations .
 Network analysis also defines, determines, and describes relationships among users, applications, devices, and networks .
 In the process, network analysis provides the foundation for all the architecture and design decisions to follow .
 The purpose of network analysis is twofold :
o first, to listen to users and understand their needs .
o second, to understand the system.
 Network architecture uses the information from the analysis process to develop a conceptual, high-level, end-to-end structure for the network .
 In developing the network architecture, we make technology and topology choices for the network .
 We also determine the relationships among the functions of the network (addressing/routing, network management, performance, and security), and how to optimize the architecture across these relationships.
 Network design provides physical detail to the architecture .
 It is the target of our work, the culmination of analysis and architecture processes .
 Physical detail includes blueprints and drawings of the network; selections of vendors and service providers; and selections of equipment (including equipment types and configurations)
1.4.5 Model for Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Network analysis, architecture, and design are similar to other engineering processes in that they address the following areas:
• Defining the problems to be addressed
• Establishing and managing customer expectations
• Monitoring the existing network, system, and its environment
• Analyzing data
• Developing a set of options to solve problems
• Evaluating and optimizing options based on various trade-offs
• Selecting one or more options
• Planning the implementation

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