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Series Nobody knows

This series has a great value in my heart This series ended about three years ago, So far I haven't found the story of a series that I liked like this series.The younger brother escaped from the orphanage due to being bullied in the orphanage.This series talks about two brothers whose parents died in a traffic accident, and they transferred the brothers to an orphanage and from here the story began.

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Series Nobody knows

This series has a great value in my heart This series ended about three years ago, So far I haven't found the story of a series that I liked like this series.

This series talks about two brothers whose parents died in a traffic accident, and they transferred the brothers to an orphanage and from here the story began. The younger brother escaped from the orphanage due to being bullied in the orphanage. In order to get to know each other many years ago, the mother gave the two brothers a snow globe, and they kept it in the hope that they would find each other, and the events revolve around the lives of each of them, as They faced many difficulties, as the older brother named "All" worked for the police and he has talents as he sees in the dark because his blind uncle taught him that, and years later he married "Ali" and named a child, after his Younger brother, "Suleiman", but the mafia men wanted to assassinate "Ali" by blowing up his car, and unfortunately he was a child inside The car died right away.

So far, the story has not ended, it excited me very much, and it was the best series that has passed for me.

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