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Starz Play Arabia, a Dubai-based company, operates in the OTT market in collaboration with Starz, a leading global media and entertainment company based in the United States.Starz Play Arabia also has the ability to quickly adapt to market conditions such as changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and increased market demand, and use the latest types of advanced technology to ensure a good and enjoyable user experience such as using effective content distribution systems.Starz Play Arabia forms strategic partnerships with all telecom companies such as Etisalat, Du, Orange, Viva, Ooredoo, STC, and Maroc Telecom, where the subscriber can pay with convenient and easy payment options through the monthly mobile phone bill, which contributes to increasing the number of subscribers and enhancing their confidence.Starz Play Arabia relies on effective marketing strategies through digital means and the ability to interact with the audience and enhance brand awareness to attract subscribers.Starz Play Arabia has managed to enter the OTT market by understanding the local market, the preferences and needs of the local audience, and providing original local content that suits them, in addition to the diversity of Western and Arabic content.It has also achieved a strong increase in the number of subscribers and viewing hours during the COVID-19 pandemic and other streaming operators as well.
Starz Play Arabia, a Dubai-based company, operates in the OTT market in collaboration with Starz, a leading global media and entertainment company based in the United States. Within a short period of time, the company has gained a large subscriber base despite fierce competition from local companies and international giants such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. It has also achieved a strong increase in the number of subscribers and viewing hours during the COVID-19 pandemic and other streaming operators as well. Starz Play Arabia has managed to enter the OTT market by understanding the local market, the preferences and needs of the local audience, and providing original local content that suits them, in addition to the diversity of Western and Arabic content. Starz Play Arabia forms strategic partnerships with all telecom companies such as Etisalat, Du, Orange, Viva, Ooredoo, STC, and Maroc Telecom, where the subscriber can pay with convenient and easy payment options through the monthly mobile phone bill, which contributes to increasing the number of subscribers and enhancing their confidence. Starz Play Arabia also offers competitive subscription prices that are considered low compared to competitors. Starz Play Arabia also has the ability to quickly adapt to market conditions such as changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and increased market demand, and use the latest types of advanced technology to ensure a good and enjoyable user experience such as using effective content distribution systems. Starz Play Arabia relies on effective marketing strategies through digital means and the ability to interact with the audience and enhance brand awareness to attract subscribers.
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