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Tissue swelling may occur.o Prolonged fixation: Shrinkage of the tissue causes tissue separation and empty spaces.Fixation Artefact: Formalin pigment: Insoluble brownish-black granular retractile birefringent pigment due to reaction of formalin with hemoglobin derivatives.o Mechanism of formation: Formic acid reacts with hemoglobin derivatives of the blood and produces acid formaldehyde haematein.It provided firmer texture to the tissues and gives brilliance to the staining.o Fuzzy staining: Due to improper fixation.5.6.???

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Tissue swelling may occur.
5. Toxic and volatizes at room temperature producing harmful vapour. This vapour is toxic to the eye and respiratory tract.
6. Expensive.
 Secondary fixation: Following fixation in formalin it is sometimes useful to submit the tissue to second fixative e.g. mercuric chloride for 4 hours. It provided firmer texture to the tissues and gives brilliance to the staining.
 Fixation Artefact: Formalin pigment: Insoluble brownish-black granular retractile birefringent pigment due to reaction of formalin with hemoglobin derivatives.
• Mercury pigments: Dark-brown irregular deposit.
• Fuzzy staining: Due to improper fixation.
• Prolonged fixation: Shrinkage of the tissue causes tissue separation and empty spaces.

 Formalin Pigment • Colour: Brownish black.
• Position: Extracellular granules .
• Mechanism of formation: Formic acid reacts with hemoglobin derivatives of the blood and produces acid formaldehyde haematein.
• How to avoid: Use buffered formalin.
• How to remove: Treat with 1.8% picric acid in absolute ethyl alcohol for 15 min.

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