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Apparent weight What is weight?What if a friend pushed
maila real pou sood
down on your shoulders or lifted up on your elbows?Because the weight force is defined as
Fs = mg, F, changes when g varies.If a bathroom scale provides the only upward force on you, then it reads your weight.

Original text

Apparent weight What is weight? Because the weight force is defined as
Fs = mg, F, changes when g varies. On or near the surface of Earth, g is
approximately constant, so an object's weight does not change appreciably as it moves around near Earth's surface. If a bathroom scale provides the only upward force on you, then it reads your weight. What would it read if you stood with one foot on the scale and one foot on the floor? What if a friend pushed
maila real pou sood
down on your shoulders or lifted up on your elbows? Then there would be other contact forces on you, and the scale would not read your weight.

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