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Summarize this into 5 lines : Beowulf sails to Denmark with a band of violent warriors and kills the monster Grendel who has been troubling the Danish King Hrothgar.Beowulf, which is considered to be the earliest epic of the English people unrolls before us the picture of the heroic age of Germanic antiquity, and the rise and fall of Danish and Geatish races are recorded in great detail.

Original text

Summarize this into 5 lines : Beowulf sails to Denmark with a band of violent warriors and kills the monster Grendel who has been troubling the Danish King Hrothgar. Grendel’s mother, seeking revenge, meets the same fate Beowulf reigns for fifty years as the king of the Geats. In his last combat with a fire-breathing dragon he kills the dragon but is himself mortally wounded. The poem ends with a description of the ceremonial funeral of Beowulf. Beowulf, which is considered to be the earliest epic of the English people unrolls before us the picture of the heroic age of Germanic antiquity, and the rise and fall of Danish and Geatish races are recorded in great detail. The poem embraces war and peace, life and death, and heroic life is crystallized in generic scenes of voyage, welcome, feast, fight, reward, making the poem one of barbaric and stately splendor.

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