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Unless you enter the Underground with your eves closed, you can't fail to notice the advertising.With around 150,000 commuters entering the network every hour, the tube stations are great places for companies to advertise.All the events and venues are there: plays, shows, galleries, cinemas and theatres.

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Unless you enter the Underground with your eves closed, you can't fail to notice the advertising. With around 150,000 commuters entering the network every hour, the tube stations are great places for companies to advertise. Walking through the tunnels on the way to the platforms is like looking through a What's On'guide to London. All the events and venues are there: plays, shows, galleries, cinemas and theatres. This wave of advertising continues on the platforms and all the way up the very long escalators, giving you a snapshot of what's on offer culturally in the capital and keeping you amused with the amazing creativity of some of the advertising campaigns.

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