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During digestion, the phytate molecule can be negatively charged, indicating a potential for binding positively charged metal ions like iron [48].This indicates indirectly that the inhibitory effect of fiber on iron absorption is probably due to the phytate in the fiber fraction and further supports the study of Morris and Ellis (1980)[56], who found that iron absorption in rats was higher from dephytinized bran.In contrary, results from experiments by [54], indicated higher absorption from FeSO4 than from the endogenous Fe present in bread, both expressed as mg Fe absorbed and fractional Fe absorption.

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During digestion, the phytate molecule can be negatively charged, indicating a potential for binding positively charged metal ions like iron [48].This indicates indirectly that the inhibitory effect of fiber on iron absorption is probably due to the phytate in the fiber fraction and further supports the study of Morris and Ellis (1980)[56], who found that iron absorption in rats was higher from dephytinized bran.In contrary, results from experiments by [54], indicated higher absorption from FeSO4 than from the endogenous Fe present in bread, both expressed as mg Fe absorbed and fractional Fe absorption.

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