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As a police officer, technology helps me work safely and more efficiently.In the UK, not all police officers are licensed to carry firearms-guns and so on - but all of us have batons.We all have handcuffs-still the simplest way to restrain someone.And we wear knife-proof vests, a kind of body armour made of Kevlar.Some police forces are experimenting with stun guns, tasers, for use against suspects armed with a dangerous weapon, like a knife.We also have CS gas canisters.If someone gets violent, CS will incapacitate them for a short time.We all carry radios so we can contact each other and police headquarters at any time.For example, we all carry a torch.It's lightweight and metal, so not easily broken.

Original text

As a police officer, technology helps me work safely and more efficiently. Every police officer who's out on duty carries, or wears, plenty of equipment– both low-tech and high tech. For example, we all carry a torch. It's lightweight and metal, so not easily broken. It's very useful. A lot of incidents happen in dark places, and you can use it to signal to traffic if there's a traffic accident at night. We all have handcuffs-still the simplest way to restrain someone. You can cuff their hands together, or cuff them to something solid like a gate or even to another person. The type we have are called'quickcuffs' because you can use them very easily. In the UK, not all police officers are licensed to carry firearms-guns and so on - but all of us have batons. They're made from polycarbonate so they're strong but not heavy to carry. They extend to keep people at a safe distance. We also have CS gas canisters. If someone gets violent, CS will incapacitate them for a short time. And we wear knife-proof vests, a kind of body armour made of Kevlar. Some police forces are experimenting with stun guns, tasers, for use against suspects armed with a dangerous weapon, like a knife. They give a powerful electric shock. We all carry radios so we can contact each other and police headquarters at any time. We can get help quickly or information about a suspect. And of course, we all have a notebook. The function of that is obvious!

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