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here are a lot of important challenges that I have been able to overcome during my school life one of the most important challenges is that I have always followed the perfection in terms of academic performance, self-development , improving my talents that changed my personality to be better and made me a responsible person who is able to make the right decisions to make a positive changing.

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here are a lot of important challenges that I have been able to overcome during my school life one of the most important challenges is that I have always followed the perfection in terms of academic performance, self-development , improving my talents that changed my personality to be better and made me a responsible person who is able to make the right decisions to make a positive changing. One of the main challenges that I faced was the mental mathematics competition when I was thirteen years old, I joined this competition, and i have always I trained myself on the quick wit and focusing on the smallest details so I completed 6 levels within two months of self-training , although I had final exams related to the school but I got the First place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and I went back to my exams then i got high marks which i took the perfect student prize in the school in terms of the GPA , competitions and the training courses that I have been providing for the school students on photography and graphic design Also, the other challenge that affected my personality is participating in the History and Mathematics Olympiad at the same time, but I qualified for the final stages so i won many advanced

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