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Modifying Proportions
To accommodate the specific dimensional requirements of spaces and functions, a grid can be made irregular in one or two directions, creating a hierarchical set of modules differentiated by size, scale, and proportion.As the structural bays vary in proportion, it is important
to understand that the tributary load areas for both the spanning members and vertical supports will vary as well.In this case, the direction of spanning elements will vary along with the proportion of the structural bays.o An unequal grid spacing may result from a desired sectional profile or linear variations in program requirements.

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Modifying Proportions
To accommodate the specific dimensional requirements of spaces and functions, a grid can be made irregular in one or two directions, creating a hierarchical set of modules differentiated by size, scale, and proportion.
When the structural grid is irregular in only one direction, the collector beams or girders can span uneven bay lengths while the feeder beams or joists retain constant spans. In some cases, it might be more economical to have the collector beams or girders have equal spans while
the feeder beams or joists have varying span lengths. In either case, the unequal spans will result in the spanning systems having different depths.
• An unequal grid spacing may result from a desired sectional profile or linear variations in program requirements.
• Equal grid spacing

The structural grid can be made irregular in two directions to achieve a tighter fit between structure, space, and function. In this case, the direction of spanning elements will vary along with the proportion of the structural bays. As the structural bays vary in proportion, it is important
to understand that the tributary load areas for both the spanning members and vertical supports will vary as well.

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