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Summarize result (83%)

Protects the bacteria from the phagocytosis It protects the bacteria from phagocytosis.Phagocytes can easily engulf the bacterium, so it needs to release many pro-inflammatory enzymes and cytokines.When the bacterial cell attaches to the surface, it triggers the expression of the biofilm-specific gene.There is an increase in slime production due to the expression of genes that produces the cell surface polysaccharide.

Original text

Protects the bacteria from the phagocytosis It protects the bacteria from phagocytosis.Phagocytes can easily engulf the bacterium, so it needs to release many pro-inflammatory enzymes and cytokines.When the bacterial cell attaches to the surface, it triggers the expression of the biofilm-specific gene.There is an increase in slime production due to the expression of genes that produces the cell surface polysaccharide.

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