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the analysis in this paper raises the question of whether private information is communicated effectively in the German bank-based corporate governance system.implementing strong risk management practices such as thorough assessment and evaluation of risks associated with hedging strategies is essential.These financial difficulties facing the company led to the closure of MG's access to financing sources in the market and to counterparties in transactions as well as excessive hedging, this analysis indicates the belief that MG management's choices of contractual terms (such as lock-in options) and hedging ratio should have led to intensified interest among MG's stakeholders in obtaining first-hand information, Among the reasons for failure is also weak administrative performance and poor monitoring of ongoing operations.private and public disclosures by the Board of Directors regarding the management of exposure to risks carried out by MG's activities, It was only found that MG's public disclosures were limited and less informative, also the transfer of information was very limited, Also one of the reasons for the loss is that the company made long-term commitments and fixed its prices for a period of 15 years or more for each buyer and seller, the highest return occurred with the coincidence of the rise in the price of oil and the continuous rebound of the futures curve to backwardness, more than 800 million dollars were obtained through direct and indirect loans from the German parent company.regularly re-evaluating hedging goals and monitoring market conditions is crucial to ensure alignment with objectives and adapt strategies as needed.adopting a longer-dated futures strategy can help reduce rollover pitfalls.[7:57 ??

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the analysis in this paper raises the question of whether private information is communicated effectively in the German bank-based corporate governance system. When we take an idea or a brief background on the subject, The change of nominees was revealed to the two banks to chair the supervisory authority for the right to purchase shares and control voting rights. The institutional rights granted to the two banks cover not only the rights of retained clients, which increased dramatically with the takeovers of the late 1980s, The 100 analyst ratings provide an explanation to understand why MG decided to hire Arthur Benson to start a new company in November 1991. private and public disclosures by the Board of Directors regarding the management of exposure to risks carried out by MG’s activities, It was only found that MG’s public disclosures were limited and less informative, also the transfer of information was very limited, Also one of the reasons for the loss is that the company made long-term commitments and fixed its prices for a period of 15 years or more for each buyer and seller, the highest return occurred with the coincidence of the rise in the price of oil and the continuous rebound of the futures curve to backwardness, more than 800 million dollars were obtained through direct and indirect loans from the German parent company. These financial difficulties facing the company led to the closure of MG’s access to financing sources in the market and to counterparties in transactions as well as excessive hedging, this analysis indicates the belief that MG management's choices of contractual terms (such as lock-in options) and hedging ratio should have led to intensified interest among MG's stakeholders in obtaining first-hand information, Among the reasons for failure is also weak administrative performance and poor monitoring of ongoing operations. Supervisory boards do not have much incentive to participate in this activity and monitor the ongoing operations of companies. and this thinking and looking at this issue only leads to loss instead of seeking to process private information, and monitor the company’s operations and outputs… [7:57 م، : Based on the case study delivered, several recommendations can be made to manage financial risks effectively in Germannon-financial companies, This involves subjugating the strategies to various oil painting price scripts to assess their vulnerability and make necessary adaptations to alleviate pitfalls. adopting a longer-dated futures strategy can help reduce rollover pitfalls. adopting a longer- dated futures strategy can help reduce rollover pitfalls. Options allow for greater adaptability in managing risks associated with price movements. setting position limits on derivative holdings is important to prevent taking on excessive risk. This team can identify potential problems with the hedging strategy and provide timely warnings to management for adjustments. exploring alternative hedging strategies and diversifying approaches can reduce exposure to a single strategy and mitigate the impact of adverse price movements. regularly re-evaluating hedging goals and monitoring market conditions is crucial to ensure alignment with objectives and adapt strategies as needed. promoting clear delegation of authority and open communication regarding the hedging strategy can facilitate efficient decision-making and prevent misunderstandings. implementing strong risk management practices such as thorough assessment and evaluation of risks associated with hedging strategies is essential. This includes conducting stress testing and scenario analysis to identify potential weaknesses. By implementing these recommendations and regularly monitoring hedging positions and market conditions, companies like MG Oil can effectively manage risks and respond to changing circumstances to mitigate potential losses.

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