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SEHA Organizational Chart starts with the Management Oversight Committee with communication of everyday details happen within the organization.CEO has four under his direct responsibilities Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO).COO with the assistance of Deputy Chief Operating Officer are responsible for Faculty Engineering, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, Patient Experience, Marketing, Public Relations & Media and Patient Access Services.The CFO is responsible for Finance Department, Management Accounts and Control, Revenue Cycle Management, Patient Finance Services and Clinical Coding.CMO with the assistance of Deputy Chief Medical Officer are responsible for all medical departments unit.CNO with the Assistant Director of Nursing are responsible for all Nursing Administration.Legal Affairs, Quality & Safety, Human Resources and Business Intelligence are reporting to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).The Performance Management will report to Business Intelligence then to the CEO.All the Chief Officer have huge and more responsibilities.

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SEHA Organizational Chart starts with the Management Oversight Committee with communication of everyday details happen within the organization. Legal Affairs, Quality & Safety, Human Resources and Business Intelligence are reporting to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Performance Management will report to Business Intelligence then to the CEO. CEO has four under his direct responsibilities Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). All the Chief Officer have huge and more responsibilities. CMO with the assistance of Deputy Chief Medical Officer are responsible for all medical departments unit. The CFO is responsible for Finance Department, Management Accounts and Control, Revenue Cycle Management, Patient Finance Services and Clinical Coding. COO with the assistance of Deputy Chief Operating Officer are responsible for Faculty Engineering, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, Patient Experience, Marketing, Public Relations & Media and Patient Access Services. CNO with the Assistant Director of Nursing are responsible for all Nursing Administration. (SEHA Report, 2015)
Summarize other relevant and important information about the company
SEHA is a corporate name which means “health” in Arabic. The full name of the company is Abu Dhabi Health Services Company. It was founded on 29th December 2007 under Emiri Decree (10) of 2007. SEHA is owned by Abu Dhabi government which caters only public hospitals and clinics healthcare across emirates. The previous organization which was General Authority for Health and Services, this organization was responsible for all roles in healthcare services. It was replaced by SEHA and Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HA-AD). GAHS was divided into 2 organizations which SEHA is responsible for the public health centers and hospitals while HA-AD is responsible to manage public and private sectors.
Upon exploring competitive ideas with a government’s strategy, SEHA embarked with international healthcare institutions to contribute and develop capabilities of SEHA into world-class partnerships. SEHA’s successful partnerships did not stop at this point. It evolved in more complex areas of agreements. It became a completely developed healthcare services operator and manager. Due to these capabilities, new investors got interested and became their current partners. They are Johns Hopkins Medicine International, Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Fresenius Medical care. (SEHA Introduction, 2018)
Modern technologies are the most important when it comes to SEHA’s Health System. As of now, there are 12 hospitals with 2,644 beds, 46 Primary Healthcare Clinics, 10 Disease Prevention and Screening Center, 3 Mobile Clinics, 1 School Clinic, 2 Blood banks, 4 Dental centers, 2 Employee Health Center and 1 Vaccination Center.
In addition to this, it became the leading healthcare services in UAE because of its high performing technologies and doctors. Aside from that, the facilities can receive 100,000 inpatients and more than 5 million outpatients to treat annually. They already conducted around 41,000 surgeries across the Emirates. It has more than 18,759 employees throughout Middle and Island Regions.
SEHA used to give their employees different kind of trainings such as summer training, clinical fields training & planning and integration workshop to ensure that they can give the best services ever in UAE.

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