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Although science-based and science-denier blogs may draw on similar examples, they frame their claims differently.For example, scientific blogs provide context and associated evidence, whereas denier blogs often remove context or misinterpret examples.Frame analysis reveals how communicators present messages to audiences with the intention of influencing how the content is ultimately interpreted.Although frame analysis sometimes focuses on the dynamic process through which ideas are developed, the examination of blogs requires a focus on the written communication strategies used.Most importantly, any topic can be framed in exactly the way a communicator desires if it is not presented objectively, honestly, and with context.The same frame can be presented in both negative and positive ways, depending on the types of evidence and claims that a writer or speaker makes.

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Although science-based and science-denier blogs may draw on similar examples, they frame their claims differently. For example, scientific blogs provide context and associated evidence, whereas denier blogs often remove context or misinterpret examples. Frame analysis reveals how communicators present messages to audiences with the intention of influencing how the content is ultimately interpreted. The same frame can be presented in both negative and positive ways, depending on the types of evidence and claims that a writer or speaker makes. Although frame analysis sometimes focuses on the dynamic process through which ideas are developed, the examination of blogs requires a focus on the written communication strategies used. Most importantly, any topic can be framed in exactly the way a communicator desires if it is not presented objectively, honestly, and with context.

We found a clear separation between the 45 science-based blogs and the 45 science-denier blogs. The two groups took diametrically opposite positions on the "scientific uncertainty" frame-specifically regarding the threats posed by AGW to polar bears and their Arctic-ice habitat. Scientific blogs provided convincing evidence that AGW poses a threat to both, whereas most denier blogs did not Science-based blogs overwhelmingly used the frame of established scientific certainties and supported arguments with the published literature affirming that warming is rapidly reducing seasonal Arctic sea-ice extent and threatening the mid- to longer- term survival of polar bears, whereas those written by deniers did not (figure 2y Science-denier blogs instead focused on the remaining uncertainties regarding the effects of AGW on Arctic ice extent, suggesting that those uncertainties cast doubt on the present and future demographic trends of polar bears.

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