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Musical Proficiency: The most striking example is Clive's ability to play the piano.Facial Recognition: The video shows Clive recognizing familiar faces, even though he can't recall their names or his relationship with them.This demonstrates his preserved procedural memory, which allows him to retain motor skills.Navigation: Clive can walk and navigate his surroundings without getting lost.This hints at a form of implicit memory that allows him to acquire new skills on a basic level.Basic Communication: Clive can understand and respond to simple questions, even if he forgets the conversation moments later.

Original text

Musical Proficiency: The most striking example is Clive's ability to play the piano. He can perform complex pieces despite having no recollection of learning the instrument. This demonstrates his preserved procedural memory, which allows him to retain motor skills.

Navigation: Clive can walk and navigate his surroundings without getting lost. While he might not remember where he is or where he's going, his spatial memory and basic motor skills function independently.

Facial Recognition: The video shows Clive recognizing familiar faces, even though he can't recall their names or his relationship with them. This indicates his implicit memory for faces is still working.

Basic Communication: Clive can understand and respond to simple questions, even if he forgets the conversation moments later. This suggests his implicit memory for language allows him to process speech to a certain degree.

Learning Potential: The documentary mentions Clive's ability to learn new things, like a song or a game, despite forgetting what he learned shortly after. This hints at a form of implicit memory that allows him to acquire new skills on a basic level.

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