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Vending machine It is a machine for selling medications.All machines will be linked to sensors to know their locations and deliver them to an application on the phone, which will also include allowing users to know the contents of the machines with a simple explanation of that medications and drugs prices, also the user can contact any pharmacist to inquire about any medicine they need, moreover that the machines will contain Tablet devices to know the contents of the machine from medications, prices and contain a simple explanation of these medications with the availability of drinking water in the last row of the machine.

Original text

Vending machine It is a machine for selling medications. We put the most widespread medicines that are being used daily, or the medications that are necessary in emergency cases inside this machine, and the person can choose the medication he/she needs by pressing the number and placing the money in the place designated for that, as well as that the machine can be available in any place and each time such as Public places where people are struggling to find the medications, areairports, complexes, and even in the port.

All machines will be linked to sensors to know their locations and deliver them to an application on the phone, which will also include allowing users to know the contents of the machines with a simple explanation of that medications and drugs prices, also the user can contact any pharmacist to inquire about any medicine they need, moreover that the machines will contain Tablet devices to know the contents of the machine from medications, prices and contain a simple explanation of these medications with the availability of drinking water in the last row of the machine. As for the medications that require a prescription, this machine will be able to read the code for this medications from the prescription and then the machine will sell the medication to you and ‏Without the code, you will not be able to purchase the drug.

In conclusion: vending machine It will contribute to social distancing, which will help us a lot, especially in the era of Corona, not only that, but also it will continue even after the end of Corona, so it will prove its effectiveness as one of the most important machines in Jordan.

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