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Renewable energy describes a collection of energy technologies, i.e., solar, wind, geothermal derived from sources that are never-ending.Renewable sources are renewable, sustainable, abundant and environmentally friendly, but there are some disadvantages to using renewables over traditional fuel sources:
Though renewable energy resources are available around the world, many of these resources aren't available 24/7, year-round.Thousands of animals died during incidents like the Deepwater Horizon or the Exxon Valdez disasters.Breathing in the pollution from non-renewable energies can lead to breathing problems
Although some plants thrive in environments that have significant carbon dioxide levels, most flora and fauna require the same healthy processes that humans do to support good health.When fossil fuels are burned, nitrous oxides causes photochemical pollution, sulphur dioxide creates acid rain, and greenhouse gases are emitted.there is always a possibility that nonrenewable resources could become unavailable in the future
Fossil fuel combustion is dangerous to our health,When coal fuels burn, they release particulates into the atmosphere unless a filter captures them.Some days may be windier than others, the sun doesn't shine at night, and droughts may occur for periods of time; So Renewable energy technologies totally depend on the weather to be able to harness any energy.In case atmospheric conditions are not good enough, renewable energy technologies would lack the ability to generate any electricity.Because of the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, there's a high need for energy storage.The installation of wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectricity plants is relatively expensive.These plants require upfront investments to build, have high maintenance expenses and require careful planning and implementation.Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas ,Unlike renewable energy, non-renewable energy sources will become depleted.There is little doubt that fossil fuels contribute to global warming.

Original text

Renewable energy describes a collection of energy technologies, i.e., solar, wind, geothermal derived from sources that are never-ending.Renewable sources are renewable, sustainable, abundant and environmentally friendly, but there are some disadvantages to using renewables over traditional fuel sources:
Though renewable energy resources are available around the world, many of these resources aren’t available 24/7, year-round. Some days may be windier than others, the sun doesn’t shine at night, and droughts may occur for periods of time; So Renewable energy technologies totally depend on the weather to be able to harness any energy. In case atmospheric conditions are not good enough, renewable energy technologies would lack the ability to generate any electricity.Because of the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, there’s a high need for energy storage. While there are storage technologies available today, they can be expensive, especially for large-scale renewable energy plants. Setting up renewable energy generation facilities requires a huge financial outlay. The installation of wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectricity plants is relatively expensive. These plants require upfront investments to build, have high maintenance expenses and require careful planning and implementation. Still not every renewable resource is clean such as biomass that burns organic matter directly into the atmosphere.
Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes. Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas ,Unlike renewable energy, non-renewable energy sources will become depleted. That calls for a closer look at the disadvantages of non-renewable energy.
The mining of non-renewable energy and the by-products they leave behind causes damage to the environment. There is little doubt that fossil fuels contribute to global warming. When fossil fuels are burned, nitrous oxides causes photochemical pollution, sulphur dioxide creates acid rain, and greenhouse gases are emitted.
there is always a possibility that nonrenewable resources could become unavailable in the future
Fossil fuel combustion is dangerous to our health,When coal fuels burn, they release particulates into the atmosphere unless a filter captures them. These small particles, often only microns in diameter, increase the risk of cancer, heart attacks, and strokes when people receive exposure to them. Breathing in the pollution from non-renewable energies can lead to breathing problems
Although some plants thrive in environments that have significant carbon dioxide levels, most flora and fauna require the same healthy processes that humans do to support good health. When we expose creatures to fossil fuels in unnatural ways, their health is almost immediately put at risk.
Thousands of animals died during incidents like the Deepwater Horizon or the Exxon Valdez disasters. Some of the habitats in these regions could be permanently destroyed because of the impact of non-renewable energy resources.
Almost all sources of energy have their limits and problems

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