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How do Google's AdWords technology and AdSense network service work?second, the use of native advertising strategies has extended beyond websites such as yahoo to places where consumers rely heavily on the independence of the website.These services utilize Facebook's ability to track each user's "likes," interests, birth date, and other pieces of user-specific data. Facebook's site prompts advertisers to specify the features of the products or services that they intend to sell, as well as the characteristics of their likely customers. Facebook's own analytic software then suggests a variety of further demographic and geographic filters that enable even more targeted placement of ads on Facebook users' profile pages. Ethics of Placement
At the heart of current Internet advertising is the ability of these companies to predict the identities and behaviors of Internet users, which can be done effectively only if users' activities and personal data are tracked and analyzed over time. One of the central ethical issues surrounding advertising on the Internet, therefore, centers on the rights of consumers to maintain control over their identities. A second ethical issue with the placement of Internet advertisements concerns the use of techniques that thoroughly integrate ads into the functional design and appearance of a content provider's website. These efforts make it difficult for Internet users to distinguish information that is authored by content providers from the information authored by advertisers. controlling data, the most pressing ethical issue involved in online advertising. The absence of such control reduces autonomy. In order for consumers to retain their autonomy online, they require knowledge of how their personal information is being collected and used as well as the opportunity to decide whether the collection and use of their information take place at all. Some websites disclose what information they collect, how they go about collecting this information, and how users' data might be used. However, these disclosures suffer from some basic problems. 1. The privacy disclosures on websites are often imprecise and overly broad. 2. Standardized disclosures, which are often difficult to locate on a company's website, are usually phrased in technical language. 3. The inability of consumers to fully understand the methods used to collect and analyze their personal information is increased by the fact that commercial websites do not collect information directly but rather work with third parties. opt-in versus opt out :The current practice of allowing consumers to opt out of being tracked places the burden on consumers to investigate a company's data collection policies and then take specific steps to control their personal data. the standard practice should be to refrain from personal data collection unless consumers have offered their consent. This consent requirement would constitute more adequate protection of consumers' autonomy. protecting Identity: the information gathered by commercial websites and third parties is not attached to a particular person's discernible identity. These concerns have prompted to propose limits on the type of information that Internet companies can collect about individuals. The goal of protecting users' identity is complicated by the fact that even seemingly innocuous information can be used to identify individuals if enough of it is subjected to data analysis. Native Advertising:
Native advertising is a process of selling advertising space in a manner that mimics the design platform and functional operation of the website on which an ad appears. Yahoo's main website sells "sponsored content" unlike that promoted by ad networks such as Google's AdWords.It essentially targets advertisements to specific visitors on different "client" sites across the Internet. AdSense is embedded in a client's website. From a user's Internet Protocol (IP) address, browsing history, and recent purchases, AdSense is capable of inferring a range of personal information,. Google, in turn, utilizes the data it collects from host sites and sponsored advertisers to better refine its ad placement technology. Social networks provide a virtual space for people to share information about their lives. Facebook's social network, is particularly attractive to marketers because its platform enables users to voluntarily associate with or "follow" companies.They do so by paying Google to place a short, text-based advertisement on the search engine's results when a Google user types specific terms or phrases.The advertiser in AdWords pay Google when users click on the sponsored advertisements.Google's ad network service AdSense offers a parallel service to companies seeking to place ads online.Google's AdWords technology allows companies to place ads on Google's search engine site in order.First, is it clear to users whether the content they are viewing is sponsored?Facebook offers a range of services to advertisers.Ethical concerns about such native advertisements involve two related problems.The relative level of independence of information is important to Internet users' ability to make fully informed and, autonomous decisions about important matters.Facebook's network is a low cost, effective alternative to traditional advertising and brand development.

Original text

How do Google’s AdWords technology and AdSense network service work?

Google’s AdWords technology allows companies to place ads on Google’s search engine site in order. They do so by paying Google to place a short, text-based advertisement on the search engine’s results when a Google user types specific terms or phrases.The advertiser in AdWords pay Google when users click on the sponsored advertisements.

Google’s ad network service AdSense offers a parallel service to companies seeking to place ads online. It essentially targets advertisements to specific visitors on different “client” sites across the Internet. AdSense is embedded in a client’s website. From a user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browsing history, and recent purchases, AdSense is capable of inferring a range of personal information,. Google, in turn, utilizes the data it collects from host sites and sponsored advertisers to better refine its ad placement technology.

Social networks provide a virtual space for people to share information about their lives. Facebook’s social network, is particularly attractive to marketers because its platform enables users to voluntarily associate with or “follow” companies. Facebook’s network is a low cost, effective alternative to traditional advertising and brand development.
Facebook offers a range of services to advertisers. These services utilize Facebook’s ability to track each user’s “likes,” interests, birth date, and other pieces of user-specific data. Facebook’s site prompts advertisers to specify the features of the products or services that they intend to sell, as well as the characteristics of their likely customers. Facebook’s own analytic software then suggests a variety of further demographic and geographic filters that enable even more targeted placement of ads on Facebook users’ profile pages.

Ethics of Placement
At the heart of current Internet advertising is the ability of these companies to predict the identities and behaviors of Internet users, which can be done effectively only if users’ activities and personal data are tracked and analyzed over time. One of the central ethical issues surrounding advertising on the Internet, therefore, centers on the rights of consumers to maintain control over their identities. A second ethical issue with the placement of Internet advertisements concerns the use of techniques that thoroughly integrate ads into the functional design and appearance of a content provider’s website. These efforts make it difficult for Internet users to distinguish information that is authored by content providers from the information authored by advertisers.

controlling data, the most pressing ethical issue involved in online advertising. The absence of such control reduces autonomy. In order for consumers to retain their autonomy online, they require knowledge of how their personal information is being collected and used as well as the opportunity to decide whether the collection and use of their information take place at all.
Some websites disclose what information they collect, how they go about collecting this information, and how users’ data might be used. However, these disclosures suffer from some basic problems.

  1. The privacy disclosures on websites are often imprecise and overly broad.

  2. Standardized disclosures, which are often difficult to locate on a company’s website, are usually phrased in technical language.

  3. The inability of consumers to fully understand the methods used to collect and analyze their personal information is increased by the fact that commercial websites do not collect information directly but rather work with third parties.

opt-in versus opt out :The current practice of allowing consumers to opt out of being tracked places the burden on consumers to investigate a company’s data collection policies and then take specific steps to control their personal data. the standard practice should be to refrain from personal data collection unless consumers have offered their consent. This consent requirement would constitute more adequate protection of consumers’ autonomy.

protecting Identity: the information gathered by commercial websites and third parties is not attached to a particular person’s discernible identity. These concerns have prompted to propose limits on the type of information that Internet companies can collect about individuals. The goal of protecting users’ identity is complicated by the fact that even seemingly innocuous information can be used to identify individuals if enough of it is subjected to data analysis.

Native Advertising:
Native advertising is a process of selling advertising space in a manner that mimics the design platform and functional operation of the website on which an ad appears.
Yahoo’s main website sells “sponsored content” unlike that promoted by ad networks such as Google’s AdWords.
Ethical concerns about such native advertisements involve two related problems.
First, is it clear to users whether the content they are viewing is sponsored? The relative level of independence of information is important to Internet users’ ability to make fully informed and, autonomous decisions about important matters.
second, the use of native advertising strategies has extended beyond websites such as yahoo to places where consumers rely heavily on the independence of the website.

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