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InfoSec Software for Secure Voice and Video Calls
This design focuses on InfoSec software specifically for voice and video call applications, emphasizing robust security measures to protect customer information and access controls against future attacks.Identity and Access Management (IAM): Strengthen user authentication and authorization with:

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is like one-time codes (SMS, app authenticators) combined with passwords.Software Suite:

Real-time Encryption: This core functionality encrypts all communication streams (audio and video) using strong protocols like AES-256 with individual encryption keys for each call session.Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Integration (Optional): Integrate DLP to scan call metadata and chat messages (if applicable) for sensitive data (e.g., credit card numbers, social security numbers) and prevent accidental leaks.Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Define acceptable call practices, prohibiting activities like call recording without consent or using the platform for illegal purposes.Meeting Security Policy: Outline procedures for securing video calls, like requiring meeting passwords, restricting screen sharing permissions for participants, and disabling features like file transfer if not needed.Additional Considerations:

Penetration Testing: Regularly test the call application for vulnerabilities in encryption protocols, access controls, and signaling channels.Compliance Management: Stay updated on relevant data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and ensure your InfoSec program adheres to them.Endpoint Security with Call Control: Extend endpoint security to manage devices used for calls:

Enforce application whitelisting to restrict unauthorized calling apps.Threat Intelligence: Subscribe to threat intelligence feeds to stay updated on emerging threats targeting communication platforms.

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InfoSec Software for Secure Voice and Video Calls
This design focuses on InfoSec software specifically for voice and video call applications, emphasizing robust security measures to protect customer information and access controls against future attacks.

Software Suite:

Real-time Encryption: This core functionality encrypts all communication streams (audio and video) using strong protocols like AES-256 with individual encryption keys for each call session.

Secure Key Management: A dedicated Key Management System (KMS) generates, stores, and rotates encryption keys securely. Consider Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) for tamper-proof key storage.

Endpoint Security with Call Control: Extend endpoint security to manage devices used for calls:

Enforce application whitelisting to restrict unauthorized calling apps.
Implement microphone and camera permission controls for user control over access.
Consider endpoint encryption for additional data protection on user devices.
Identity and Access Management (IAM): Strengthen user authentication and authorization with:

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is like one-time codes (SMS, app authenticators) combined with passwords.
Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict call features based on user roles (e.g., screen sharing only for presenters).
Session management with automatic timeouts and lockouts for inactive sessions.
Implement strong password policies with minimum length, complexity requirements, and regular password changes.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Integration (Optional): Integrate DLP to scan call metadata and chat messages (if applicable) for sensitive data (e.g., credit card numbers, social security numbers) and prevent accidental leaks.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Integration: Integrate SIEM to monitor call logs and network traffic for suspicious activity, including:

Unauthorized login attempts.
Unusual call patterns, like excessive call durations or international calls from unexpected locations,.
Potential data exfiltration attempts during calls.
Anomalous network activity that might indicate malware or intrusion attempts.
Security Policies, Standards, and Procedures:

Data Classification Policy: Classify communication data based on sensitivity (e.g., internal meetings, client calls with confidential information). This guides access controls and encryption levels.
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Define acceptable call practices, prohibiting activities like call recording without consent or using the platform for illegal purposes.
Meeting Security Policy: Outline procedures for securing video calls, like requiring meeting passwords, restricting screen sharing permissions for participants, and disabling features like file transfer if not needed.
Incident Response Policy: Establish protocols for handling security incidents related to calls, including data breaches, unauthorized access attempts, and denial-of-service attacks.
Security Awareness Training: Train employees on secure video and voice call practices, educating them on phishing scams, social engineering tactics, and best practices for handling sensitive information during calls.
Additional Considerations:

Penetration Testing: Regularly test the call application for vulnerabilities in encryption protocols, access controls, and signaling channels.
Secure Coding Practices: Implement secure coding practices during application development to minimize vulnerabilities.
Bug Bounty Program: Consider a bug bounty program to incentivize security researchers to identify and report vulnerabilities in the application.
Compliance Management: Stay updated on relevant data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and ensure your InfoSec program adheres to them.
Threat Intelligence: Subscribe to threat intelligence feeds to stay updated on emerging threats targeting communication platforms.

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