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Rosa and Miriam: The Perfect Friendship

My sister Rosa and her best friend Miriam have been friends since elementary school.Rosa is talkative and outgoing by nature and loves to be in the limelight.Rosa has won many awards and participated in many school competitions because she is a really great student.Like most teens, she takes her looks very seriously and loves to wear the latest styles.Another quality of her is sensitivity and emotionality.What I admire most about Rosa and Miriam is that they love to take care of people.They always seemed to be together, and others joked that they were twins.However, their personalities are quite different.

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Rosa and Miriam: The Perfect Friendship

My sister Rosa and her best friend Miriam have been friends since elementary school. They always seemed to be together, and others joked that they were twins. However, their personalities are quite different.
Miriam is a very pretty and lovely girl. She is taller than my sister, has straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. Like most teens, she takes her looks very seriously and loves to wear the latest styles.
Rosa is talkative and outgoing by nature and loves to be in the limelight. Her biggest dream is to become a doctor and I absolutely believe that one day this wish will come true. Rosa has won many awards and participated in many school competitions because she is a really great student.
Another quality of her is sensitivity and emotionality. In addition, she is easily confused and does not forget those who hurt her.
What I admire most about Rosa and Miriam is that they love to take care of people.
For me, Friendship is important for everyone, it makes a good meaning for life. Friendship is a good thing to have because friends are helpful most of the time. People spend time with their friends and stand up for one another when they face difficulties. Also, they celebrate happy times such as wedding and graduation together.

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