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Many students who are beginning college-even students who were very successful in high school-find that the classes are suddenly much more challenging than in high school and that much more studying is required.You might pass a test by cramming for it, but you won't remember much afterward-and this isn't true learning.Second, keep a careful calendar of dates for all exams and when all assignments are due.Some students believe they can pass by simply doing the reading and taking exams, but this isn't true.Professors will hand out a page with these dates on the first day of class; put them immediately on your master calendar and plan ahead.Educators usually agree on the solution to this problem of too much work: you need to get organized.Balance harder ones with easier ones.

Original text

Many students who are beginning college-even students who were very successful in high school-find that the classes are suddenly much more challenging than in high school and that much more studying is required. Educators usually agree on the solution to this problem of too much work: you need to get organized. First, choose wisely the combination of classes you take in any one semester. Balance harder ones with easier ones. Also, limit the number of classes you take. Don't try to take more than a full-time load of credits in the first semester. Second, keep a careful calendar of dates for all exams and when all assignments are due. Professors will hand out a page with these dates on the first day of class; put them immediately on your master calendar and plan ahead. Third, schedule regular time and find a quiet place in which to study so that you won't have to suddenly cram the day before an important exam. You might pass a test by cramming for it, but you won't remember much afterward-and this isn't true learning. Fourth, form a study group with students in some of your classes, and meet with them once or twice a week. Also, take advantage of the resources on campus such as tutors or the writing center. Fifth, although this might seem obvious, it's important to go to class. Some students believe they can pass by simply doing the reading and taking exams, but this isn't true. Finally, it's essential to include breaks-short ones and longer ones-to balance study time with time for fun. This will keep your mind fresh and clear.

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