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There is a girl named Cinderella who lives with her father, stepmother, and two stepsisters who were very cruel to her and made her do all the tasks.She waved her magic wand and transformed Cinderella's rags into a beautiful pink dress and a pair of glass shoes.Cinderella asked her stepmother if she could go with them, but her stepmother scoffed and said that she had no dress or shoes to wear and that she did not fit in among the elegant people at the party.The carriage took her to the palace,
She entered the ballroom and everyone was amazed by her beauty and elegance.He tried the slipper on every girl in the kingdom, but none of them fit.He finally arrived at Cinderella's house and tried the slipper on his wife.One day the king announced that he was holding a big party for his son, the prince, to choose a wife.It was her grandmother, the fairy, who had come to fulfill her wish to go away but it would all be over in 12 o'clock.She also turned a watermelon into a carriage and four rats into horses to take them to the party.The prince saw her and was fascinated by her.They danced all night and fell in love.She realized she had to leave and ran away from the prince
She reached the carriage and got into it, but when she did so, she lost one of her glass slippers on the stairs.The prince picked up the slipper and said that he would find her and marry her.Her father and her two half-sisters, but he did not suit them either, but he did not suit Cinderella.She suddenly became very sad.She suddenly became very sad.I heard a voice saying: "Don't be sad, my dear. I am here to help you."He invited her to dance with him and she accepted.Suddenly, she heard the clock strike twelve.He asked her to marry him and she said yes.

Original text

There is a girl named Cinderella who lives with her father, stepmother, and two stepsisters who were very cruel to her and made her do all the tasks. One day the king announced that he was holding a big party for his son, the prince, to choose a wife. Cinderella asked her stepmother if she could go with them, but her stepmother scoffed and said that she had no dress or shoes to wear and that she did not fit in among the elegant people at the party. She suddenly became very sad. She suddenly became very sad. I heard a voice saying: “Don’t be sad, my dear. I am here to help you.” It was her grandmother, the fairy, who had come to fulfill her wish to go away but it would all be over in 12 o’clock. She waved her magic wand and transformed Cinderella’s rags into a beautiful pink dress and a pair of glass shoes.
She also turned a watermelon into a carriage and four rats into horses to take them to the party. The carriage took her to the palace,
She entered the ballroom and everyone was amazed by her beauty and elegance.
The prince saw her and was fascinated by her.
He invited her to dance with him and she accepted. They danced all night and fell in love. Suddenly, she heard the clock strike twelve.
She realized she had to leave and ran away from the prince, so she went running. She realized she had to leave and ran away from the prince
She reached the carriage and got into it, but when she did so, she lost one of her glass slippers on the stairs. The prince picked up the slipper and said that he would find her and marry her. He tried the slipper on every girl in the kingdom, but none of them fit. He finally arrived at Cinderella's house and tried the slipper on his wife. Her father and her two half-sisters, but he did not suit them either, but he did not suit Cinderella. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. So they got married and she went with him to his palace and they lived happily ever after.

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