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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is about 1,969,000 km2 occupying four-fifths of the Arabian Peninsula.The eastern region lies on the Arabian Gulf coast and contains salt flats (sabkhahs).From this fertile crest it falls towards the east as a desert plateau to the dry interior or the Najd containing the Dahna and Nafud which extends to the great sand desert of the Rub Al Khali (The Empty Quarter).From the Dahna dunes to the east coast the terrain alternate between rocky outcrops and gravel plains.Western Saudi Arabia is dominated by a mountain chain running the entire length of the country, known as the Hejaz and Asir mountains.There are many artesian wells along the coast which are used to irrigate large areas under cultivation around Hofuf and Qatif.

Original text

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is about 1,969,000 km2 occupying four-fifths of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the tenth largest country covering 1.64% of the land area of the world, and 8% of the land area of Asia.
The Kingdom extends from 32o 12' N latitude on the Jordanian border in the north to 16o 00' N at the Yemeni border in the south. It is bounded by the Red Sea in the west and the Arabian Gulf in the east.
Western Saudi Arabia is dominated by a mountain chain running the entire length of the country, known as the Hejaz and Asir mountains. It runs parallel to the Red sea and rises to between 1300 – 3000 m. above the Tihamah coastal plain to its west. The flat coastal plain along the edge of the Red sea is hot and humid with temperature reaching 45o C in the shade during the summer months, with 90% relative humidity. The winter is considerably cooler but due to the relative warmth of the sea, it is never cold. From this fertile crest it falls towards the east as a desert plateau to the dry interior or the Najd containing the Dahna and Nafud which extends to the great sand desert of the Rub Al Khali (The Empty Quarter). From the Dahna dunes to the east coast the terrain alternate between rocky outcrops and gravel plains. The eastern region lies on the Arabian Gulf coast and contains salt flats (sabkhahs). There are many artesian wells along the coast which are used to irrigate large areas under cultivation around Hofuf and Qatif.

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