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Flatfoot, also known as pes planus, is a condition where the arches of the foot are lower than normal or completely absent.Adult Acquired Flatfoot:

This develops in adulthood due to various factors, including injury, obesity, aging, or conditions like posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.Rigid Flatfoot:

This type is characterized by a permanent flattening of the arch, regardless of whether the foot is bearing weight or not.There are several types of flatfoot, which can be categorized based on different criteria such as cause, age of onset, and severity.Post-Traumatic Flatfoot:

This results from an injury to the foot or ankle, such as fractures or ligament damage, which can lead to changes in the foot structure.Neuropathic Flatfoot:

This is associated with neurological conditions that affect muscle control, leading to flattening of the foot arch.i

Original text

Flatfoot, also known as pes planus, is a condition where the arches of the foot are lower than normal or completely absent. There are several types of flatfoot, which can be categorized based on different criteria such as cause, age of onset, and severity. Here are the main types:

Flexible Flatfoot:

This is the most common type, where the arch appears when the foot is off the ground but flattens when standing. It often doesn't cause pain or require treatment.

Rigid Flatfoot:

This type is characterized by a permanent flattening of the arch, regardless of whether the foot is bearing weight or not. It may cause discomfort and can be associated with other foot deformities.

Adult Acquired Flatfoot:

This develops in adulthood due to various factors, including injury, obesity, aging, or conditions like posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. It can lead to pain and difficulty walking.

Congenital Flatfoot:

This type is present at birth and can be due to genetic factors or developmental issues. It may require intervention if it leads to functional problems.

Rigid Flatfoot in Children:

In some cases, children may have a rigid flatfoot that is not flexible. This can be associated with conditions such as tarsal coalition, where bones in the foot are fused.

Post-Traumatic Flatfoot:

This results from an injury to the foot or ankle, such as fractures or ligament damage, which can lead to changes in the foot structure.

Neuropathic Flatfoot:

This is associated with neurological conditions that affect muscle control, leading to flattening of the foot arch.i

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