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A herd of elephants flies past you at sixty miles per hour, followed by a streak of tigers, pride of lions, and a bunch of clowns.and Barnum Bailey Circus still rely on the circus train to transport their astounding show, but use two.These performances much more profitable and the profits went toward creating even bigger and better Multiple rings were added and the show went on. Today, Ringling Bros.He partnered with P.T. Banum in 1871 to expand the reach of their newly combined shows using locomotives.Performing many of these small towns was not very profitable.

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A herd of elephants flies past you at sixty miles per hour, followed by a streak of tigers, pride of lions, and a bunch of clowns. What do you see? It must be a circus train! One of first uses of the circus train is credited to W.C. Coup. He partnered with P.T. Banum in 1871 to expand the reach of their newly combined shows using locomotives. Before circus trains these operators had to lug around all of their animals, performers, and equipment with a of more than 600 horses. Since there were no highways, these voyages were rough and long time. Circuses would stop at many small towns between the large venues. Performing many of these small towns was not very profitable. Because of these limitations, could not grow as large as the imaginations of operators. After they began using trains, Barnum and Coup only brought their show to large cities. These performances much more profitable and the profits went toward creating even bigger and better Multiple rings were added and the show went on. Today, Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Circus still rely on the circus train to transport their astounding show, but use two.

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