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Nowadays, we find a lot of types of foods and most people think about the taste of their meal and not the healthy or fast food.According to Moreland said "Healthy foods are those that provide you with the nutrients you need to sustain your body's well-being and retain energy. Water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals are the key nutrients that make up a healthy, balanced diet."generally, fast foods contain processed items such as snacks and fast foods, which are low in fundamental nutrients that our body requires for healthy living."However, fast food is often made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious ingredients such as lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables."So, the primary fast food disadvantages such as obesity, unhealthy food choice, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, adverse effects of additives and preservatives and effects to the body environmentThe advantages of healthy food and disadvantages of fast food

As we know healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and grain cereals are a source of good dietary fiber.Fibre-rich foods also benefit to preserve the digestive system healthy and function effectively that way lowering cholesterol and blood glucose level.An enough amount of fibre in the diet helps with delaying gastric emptying time, keep satiated and prevent from overeating.?What is Healthy food??

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Nowadays, we find a lot of types of foods and most people think about the taste of their meal and not the healthy or fast food. Also, they should be aware of healthy and fast food choices. However, if we give priority to the taste and ignoring the nutritional value, we’re asking for problem or a health risk. As a result, we should know the difference between fast and healthy foods. This essay discusses the meaning of fast and healthy foods, advantages of healthy food and disadvantages of fast food.

 What is Healthy food?

According to Moreland said “Healthy foods are those that provide you with the nutrients you need to sustain your body’s well-being and retain energy. Water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals are the key nutrients that make up a healthy, balanced diet.” (OB-GYN, 2019) Healthy food is considered to be the food items that are rich in nurture and have a useful effect on our health. Healthy food includes many organic food preferences such as natural foods, right foods, etc. Healthy food is essential for every individual so If we want to stay fit and healthy, eating well is decisive. Healthy food is usually referred to as clean meals that are important to give you energy and provide nutrients, preserve health, and make we feel good.

 What is fast food?

We can describe fast foods as foods that have less nutritional value and are high in fat, sugar, and calories. Also, fast food has high in protein but our body needs a certain amount of protein. generally, fast foods contain processed items such as snacks and fast foods, which are low in fundamental nutrients that our body requires for healthy living. “However, fast food is often made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious ingredients such as lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.” (D, 2019)

 The advantages of healthy food and disadvantages of fast food

As we know healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and grain cereals are a source of good dietary fiber. An enough amount of fibre in the diet helps with delaying gastric emptying time, keep satiated and prevent from overeating. Fibre-rich foods also benefit to preserve the digestive system healthy and function effectively that way lowering cholesterol and blood glucose level. As a result, healthy foods are essentially unprocessed and low on calories so all these points are the advantages of healthy foods. However, fast food disadvantages are fundamental to determining whether fast food is safe to include in daily food. So, the primary fast food disadvantages such as obesity, unhealthy food choice, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, adverse effects of additives and preservatives and effects to the body environment

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